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Public·35 membres
Austin Murphy
Austin Murphy

Tiny Teen Facial Fix

Acne is a common condition faced by many teenagers. Although most teens will have acne at some point, your teen still may be embarrassed by it. As a parent or guardian, it is important to take your teen's feelings about acne seriously. Acne can cause low self-esteem and lead to distress in teens. Helping your teen with acne management can make this time less stressful and decrease the long-term effects of acne.

tiny teen facial


Sun exposure can make acne worse, and some medications make skin susceptible to the sun's rays. If your teen is planning to be in the sun, have them apply a nonoily moisturizer that includes sunscreen.

If your teen has tried over-the-counter acne products for several weeks and has not seen improvements, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist or pediatrician who can prescribe stronger medications and help with treatment options. 041b061a72

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